Decorative aerial view of farmland

Farmworker Health and Climate Change

Research to help farmworkers deal with climate change

Farmworker communities face increasingly dire threats linked to climate change. From extreme heat, air pollution, and flood damage, to crop failures from drought and new pests, to increased exposure to pesticides, this project aims to map where vectors of climate vulnerability intersect with the social vulnerabilities of farmworker communities.

Across two years, researchers and community based organizations (CBOs) will work with farmworkers to hear directly from them what is needed to mitigate the impacts of climate change on their work and daily life. Together with input from students and employers, we will develop data dashboards and other resources describing risks, rights and retraining opportunities for farmworkers.  These resources will then be used to support the training and outreach of promotores conducting community health work in the impacted communities.

Geographic Focus Area: Pajaro, Salinas, and San Joaquin Valleys

Grant: University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Climate Action Seed Grant – Farmworker Community Health Vulnerabilities and Responses Amid Climate Change

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Community partners:

The project team, including promotores from the Center for Community Advocacy in Salinas, gathered at UCSC to discuss how to develop the sorts of resources farmworkers are asking for.

The Research Team is composed of scholars from a variety disciplines.

Last modified: Jul 01, 2024